Product Description

The following is about Ceramic Fiber Packing With Graphite related, I hope to help you better understand Ceramic Fiber Packing With Graphite.

Product Detail

Ceramic Fiber Packing With Graphite:

Ceramic fiber packing with Graphite impregnated is square braided from ceramic fiber, and impreganated with graphite.Ceramic fiber is standout among the different organic and inorganic fibers as ideal replacement of asbestos. it has many excellent capabilities of high temperature resistance, low density and low thermal conductivity, better insulation and incombustible etc. As a static seal for vessels, heaters, manhole, lids, covers, thermal insulation and fire-proof of pipes etc under high temperature. Suited for chemically neutral and resistant to water, steam, hot air, oils and so on

Main Features


Rotary pump

10 bar

Reciprocating pump

15 bar

Static Sealing

50 bar

Rotary speed

10 m/s





PH Value


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